NON-MEMBERS Pricing - February 15th Webinar Leadership and its impact on Frontline Police Officers and Civilian Municipal Employees
Join us for our next webinar:
Leadership and its impact on Frontline Police Officers and Civilian Municipal Employees - with Josh Murphy
Josh graduated from Simon Fraser University in 2009 with a BA with Honours, completed his MA in Criminology at SFU in 2014, the focus of which was police use of force training and tactics. Josh successfully defended his PhD dissertation in 2022 and graduated with his doctorate from Simon Fraser in 2023. The focus of his PhD Dissertation was Canadian police leadership succession and succession planning. Josh has worked with Dr. Curt T. Griffiths on a variety of projects and reports involving Public Safety Canada, the Vancouver Police Department, Winnipeg Police Service, Edmonton Police Service, Saanich Police Department, Victoria Police Department, Metro Vancouver Transit Police, Delta Police Department, Kelowna RCMP, and the Prince George RCMP. The focus of these reports covers a broad range of topics, including street checks, police staffing and resources, patrol deployment, officer health and wellness, community policing, and operational reviews of police services. Josh taught as a sessional instructor at Simon Fraser University from 2014-17, primarily teaching courses related to policing. Josh has also been teaching at Kwantlen Polytechnic University since 2017, and has been a full-time faculty member there since 2022, teaching a broad range of criminology and criminal justice courses, including introduction to policing, policing and community, and police accountability.